Artwork for Letters to J
The letters to J podcast, is an invitation to my story , a story of a broken heart, broken apologies, and experiences with the love of my life, whom i was in a long distance relationship with for 7 years. You will be immersed in my journey of lessons learned, mistakes made, and hopefully you will join me on my quest to win her back. It is my hope that my story will inspire you to believe in yourself, love and to always fight for what truly makes you happy
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

Letters to J

The letters to J podcast, is an invitation to my story , a story of a broken heart, broken apologies, and experiences with the love of my life, whom i was in a long distance relationship with for 7 years. You will be immersed in my journey of lessons learned, mistakes made, and hopefully you will join me on my quest to win her back. It is my hope that my story will inspire you to believe in yourself, love and to always fight for what truly makes you happy
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo